诊断 & Treatment of Skin Conditions

The skin is the largest organ of the body. As the outer protective covering of the body, it is exposed to the environment, making it vulnerable to growths, 皮疹, 变色, 囊肿, 伯恩斯, 受伤, 感染, 以及其他疾病. 我们的皮肤科医生为成人和儿童的皮肤状况和疾病提供全面的护理和最先进的治疗, 包括:

  • 筛查黑色素瘤、基底细胞癌(BCC)和其他类型的皮肤癌
  • Acne treatment and scar removal
  • Contact dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis, including allergic skin 皮疹, 头皮屑, 还有尿布疹
  • Skin pigment disorders
  • 炎症性皮肤病,包括牛皮癣、特应性皮炎(湿疹)和酒渣鼻
  • Skin manifestations of systemic and infectious diseases, 包括唇疱疹, 红斑狼疮, 湿疹, 疣和带状疱疹
  • Skin tag and mole removal



Our team works together with 肿瘤学家, 内分泌学家, 神经学家, pediatric 神经学家, 外科医生和其他医疗专业人员确保对每个病人最有效的治疗方法. 我们的医生擅长评估和治疗良性和恶性皮肤疾病, 头发, nails and adjacent mucous membranes, 包括:

  • The diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers (carcinomas), 黑素瘤, moles and other tumors of the skin
  • 接触性皮炎、牛皮癣等炎性皮肤病的治疗
  • 识别全身和感染性疾病的皮肤表现
  • 皮肤病理学
  • Surgical techniques used in 皮肤病学, including Mohs micrographic surgery


皮肤病学DocTalks & 病人的故事

In early 2023, First Lady Dr. 吉尔·拜登接受了莫氏手术,切除了被发现为基底细胞癌的皮肤病变. 基底细胞癌是最常见的皮肤癌,通常是由于长期暴露在太阳或晒黑床的紫外线辐射下引起的.

Watch this video to learn more about this condition and surgery, 以及定期接受十大正规网赌软件皮肤科医生劳拉·沃尔什皮肤检查的重要性, MD. 

0:12 | What are sunscreens and why are they important for skin protection? 0:39 SPF是什么意思?
1:04 | What SPF number should you look for when you're buying sunscreen? 1:40 | How should you apply sunscreen and how often?
2:22 我们需要在阴天或夏天以外的季节使用防晒霜吗?
2:55 | What are other ways we can protect ourselves from sun exposure?

Living with atopic dermatitis (AD), 也被称为湿疹, can be an ongoing battle, with flare-ups causing discomfort and frustration. For 谷病人 Polly, 几年前,当她的症状恶化时,她与阿尔茨海默病的斗争发生了剧烈的转变, affecting her daily life and quality of sleep. 然而, hope arrived while under the care of dermatologist 劳拉·沃尔什,医学博士, who helped Polly regain control over her condition.

特应性皮炎 is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that can cause dryness, 瘙痒, and a characteristic pattern of rash on the skin. 它在儿童中更常见,但也可能影响成年人(“特应性”意味着你倾向于有过敏状况,“皮炎”意味着皮肤炎症)。. 阿尔茨海默病通常与其他特应性疾病的个人或家族史有关,如哮喘或花粉热. The exact cause of AD is not fully understood, 但据信,它涉及皮肤屏障功能障碍(皮肤保护层的问题)和免疫调节(身体防御系统的工作方式可能存在问题)的结合。. 病情的严重程度各不相同,可能需要持续的护理和治疗来控制症状并防止突然发作.

Polly’s condition started as small spots appearing seasonally on her skin. She also became aware that some of her family members also had AD. 她使用润肤霜和抗组胺药等非处方药物来治疗皮疹. 然而, 大约三年前, Polly’s AD suddenly got worse, spreading to different parts of her body. 随着时间的推移,这种持续不断的瘙痒变得难以忍受,导致她痛苦和失眠. It also affected her daily activities, 皮肤的发痒和外观让她感到难为情. “Every day shouldn’t be so miserable,” Polly recalled about that time.

Determined to find relief, Polly sought treatment at Valley’s Dermatology Clinic. Dr. 沃尔什 prescribed a newer medication, dupilumab. 这种药物使用单克隆抗体治疗,这是一个相对较新的医学领域. It blocks two chemical signals in the body that cause atopic dermatitis, and is safe in patients as young as six months. 这种药物每两周注射一次,病人可以在家里自己学习如何使用.

在开始治疗的几周内,波莉的瘙痒明显好转. 随着时间的推移,湿疹斑点和鳞屑的数量也减少了. 今天, she only has two small spots remaining, a remarkable improvement from her previous state of constant discomfort. 她说:“瘙痒几乎完全消失了,我睡得比我这辈子睡得都好。.

特应性皮炎(湿疹)很难治疗,令患者感到沮丧. Itch is a major issue for quality of life that can disturb sleep, make it difficult to concentrate, and be a stressor on a day-to-day basis,博士解释道。. 沃尔什. “我很高兴能有这些新的生物药物为我的病人提供从局部治疗升级的治疗. With recent medical innovation, 我们现在有了更有针对性的药物,与之前的全身治疗相比,副作用更少.”


患有慢性皮肤病的人在身体上和情感上都很有挑战性. 牛皮癣, 一种以皮肤红斑和凸起为特征的疾病(斑块)会极大地影响一个人的生活质量. 谷病人, 凯西, 与牛皮癣抗争多年,在劳拉·沃尔什的照顾下痊愈并得到缓解, MD, 博士学位, at Valley’s Dermatology Clinic, and through a groundbreaking medication.

凯西 first noticed symptoms when she was 18 years old, unaware of the condition that would soon affect her life. 起初,她把自己的症状误认为是麻风病,这让她对自己的未来感到恐惧和不确定. 随着时间的推移,凯西越来越了解牛皮癣,并开始了解她的病情.

多年来, plaques appeared on her body and her scalp, causing distress and a sense of devastation. As a professional in the business world, 凯西 tried to conceal her condition, “I would only wear long sleeves,”她说。, 因为她觉得有必要遮住自己的皮肤,以避免质疑和评判. The constant itchiness and the urge to scratch worsened her symptoms, leading to cracking and bleeding.

牛皮癣的发作可以在一天中变化,并在较长时间内波动. 凯西认识到,压力在她的症状恶化中起了重要作用. As a single mother of two children  managing a demanding career, 凯西 was regularly affected by stress, and this often increased the severity of her symptoms.

For years, 凯西 took methotrexate once a week for her psoriasis. She found that after taking the medication, she would feel ill the next day and would have very low energy. She decided to take it on Friday nights and use Saturdays to recover, since she had the weekends off from work. 不幸的是,她也意识到这是浪费了一天和孩子们一起做活动的时间.

年后, 凯西发现她患有乳腺癌,在治疗期间不得不停止服用甲氨蝶呤. 她用涂在皮肤和头皮上的局部药物来治疗牛皮癣症状. 近年来, her symptoms worsened and she sought care at Valley’s Dermatology Clinic, 在那里她遇到了. 沃尔什. 凯西说:“医生. 沃尔什 was so empathetic, 在我第一次预约之前,她已经做了所有的研究.”  

在博士. 沃尔什的关怀, 凯西 began treatment with risankizumab, 一种专门针对中重度斑块型银屑病开发的新型生物药物. The medicine works by targeting the underlying causes of psoriasis, 减少炎症, and allowing the skin to heal. Over time, she witnessed improvements in her skin's appearance and texture. 她的症状得到了有效的控制,她正在寻找她渴望的缓解. 凯西不再觉得有必要隐藏自己的皮肤,或者生活在持续的不适中. She shared what one of her sons recently said, “妈妈, I’ve known all of my life that you’ve suffered with psoriasis, and I’ve seen you be sad about it; I’m so tickled about this (new medication) helping.”

"After years of dealing with psoriasis, 看到我的病人用一种新的生物药物缓解了痛苦,我感到很鼓舞. This treatment has noticeably improved her skin and overall well-being. 这证明了我们在改善病人生活的同时,在医学科学方面取得的进步,”医生说。. 沃尔什.

服务位置 & 供应商

Dermatology Clinic | Maple Valley

26458 Maple Valley Black Diamond Rd SE
Maple Valley, WA 98038
呼叫 425.690.3581 传真 425.690.9181

Dermatology Clinic | Newcastle

Newcastle Medical Pavilion
7203 129th Ave SE Ste 100
呼叫 425.690.3439 传真 425.690.9439

Dermatology Clinic | Renton

660 SW 39th St Ste 150
呼叫 425.690.3483 传真 425.690.9083
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