从静脉曲张到血管疾病的治疗, our specialists in vascular and endovascular care are here to help you live your best, healthiest life.

The vascular surgery team at 十大正规网赌软件 provides comprehensive care for conditions involving the arteries and veins throughout the body. Our specialty-trained surgeons are experienced in both minimally-invasive procedures and complex surgeries and are supported by state-of-the-art resources at VMC, including a new hybrid operating room and the latest endovascular technologies. We are dedicated to personalizing the most effective treatment possible for each patient, and bringing new, 向VMC社区提供创新的程序. Finally, we work closely with other specialists as part of multi-disciplinary teams to ensure the best care for our patients.

有明显血管疾病症状的患者, 比如疼痛的静脉曲张或足部坏疽, 欢迎联络我们的诊所预约. 以前被诊断患有, or treated for, 血管疾病也可以直接十大正规网赌软件. Otherwise, we encourage patients to see their primary care provider for an initial evaluation. 我们努力工作,以尽快看到任何有严重问题的病人. Additionally, VMC有侵略性, 针对坏疽患者的多学科团队, non-healing wounds, 或者脚上的溃疡.


  • 小动脉瘤的监测
  • 血管内(支架)修复胸主动脉瘤 
  • 腹主动脉瘤切开及血管内修复术(AAA)
  • 髂动脉瘤的切开和血管内修复 
  • 腘窝及其他周围动脉瘤修复

动脉瘤是扩张的动脉, 哪一种会发生在全身, 主要与吸烟和家庭风险有关. 动脉瘤是令人担忧的,因为它们会随着不断扩大而破裂, 导致内出血,通常是致命的. In addition, aneurysms behind the knee (popliteal aneurysms) can form blood clots that can cut off circulation to the foot, 导致腿部疼痛甚至肢体丧失. 最常见的是腹主动脉瘤(AAA)。, 但是动脉瘤也可以在胸部的大动脉中生长, pelvis, or leg.

我们可以治疗胸腹主动脉瘤, 髂动脉瘤, femoral, 和腘动脉. 对于相对较小的动脉瘤患者, 我们帮助协调周期性超声波来跟踪生长. 对于需要修复动脉瘤的病人, we offer minimally invasive repair with a stent-graft (endovascular aortic aneurysm repair, EVAR), 或者开放性修复取决于每个病人的情况和具体的解剖结构.

  • 颈动脉内膜切除手术 
  • Carotid stenting 

Carotid stenosis is a narrowing in one or both of the main arteries to your brain and can result in a stroke. 有过中风或轻度中风的病人, or who are at risk for these events they often require treatment to expand the narrowing with a stent, 或者我们完全去除狭窄(颈动脉内膜切除手术). 风险较低的颈动脉狭窄患者采用药物治疗, lifestyle changes, 定期进行超声波检查来追踪堵塞的严重程度.

  • 动静脉瘘或移植物创建 
  • 瘘管/移植物狭窄或失败的维持程序 
  • Fistula/graft revision for ulcerations, steal syndrome, aneurysm, or other complications 
  • HeRO导尿管置入 
  • 腹膜透析导管插入 

肾衰竭患者需要透析来过滤血液, a procedure which requires a connection between the body and the dialysis machine. 血液透析(HD)指的是直接过滤血液. 进行血液透析最简单的方法是通过隧道导管, 这是一种穿过皮肤的大静脉注射. However, 这些都有很大的风险, 包括潜在的感染和胸部静脉的疤痕, 所以我们尽量少用这些. 对于需要长期HD的患者, 我们进行动静脉瘘或移植物创建, which involves a surgery to make a connection between an artery and vein in your arm, 然后用于透析. Unfortunately, 通常会出现诸如狭窄等问题。, 扩大(动脉瘤), ulceration or abnormal flow (steal syndrome) that require additional procedures to fix, and we offer the full range of dialysis access maintenance and revision procedures. 对于透析途径有限的患者, 我们可以插入HeRO导管或执行复杂的访问创建.

Another option for dialysis is by filtering the fluid in your abdomen, known as peritoneal dialysis. 这需要一根特殊的管子穿过腹壁, 我们可以通过微创手术植入吗.

  • 无创治疗跛行 
  • 血管成形术和支架植入 
  • 下肢搭桥术 
  • Hybrid procedures 
  • 血运重建失败的治疗 

动脉是将血液从心脏输送到四肢的血管. Peripheral arterial disease results from narrowings and blockages in the arteries in your legs, 并且通常与高血压的组合有关, high cholesterol, diabetes, and/or smoking. 当你走路或运动时,PAD会减少流向腿部的血液, 导致你的臀部疼痛, thighs, or calves, known as claudication. 当PAD严重时,它会导致持续的疼痛, non-healing wounds, ulcers, or gangrene, 这可能会严重致残甚至导致截肢.

我们通过药物和改变生活方式来治疗轻度PAD. 对于需要治疗更严重症状的患者, 我们根据每位病人的整体情况量身定制治疗方案, symptoms, 疾病的模式. Options include minimally-invasive treatment of narrowings from the inside of the artery with a balloon or stent, 通过手术切除或搭桥广泛的阻塞, 或者是这些的组合.

Patients with the most severe disease develop non-healing wounds or gangrene are at very high risk for leg amputation without restoration of blood flow to their foot. 对于这些病人, 我们在伤口护理方面与同事密切合作, podiatry, 和传染病想出一个计划来拯救他们的腿.

静脉曲张是扩张的、扭曲的静脉. 它们可以发生在身体的任何地方,但在腿部更常见.

Varicose veins are not considered a serious health problem but they can be uncomfortable and can lead to more serious problems. And because they may be very noticeable, they may cause people to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

Spider veins, 一种轻度的静脉曲张, 是否比静脉曲张小,通常看起来像日纹或“蜘蛛网”." They are red or blue in color and are often found on the face and legs, just under the skin.

静脉曲张是由静脉血压升高引起的. 它们可以发生在皮肤表面附近的静脉中. 

血液通过静脉中的单向阀流向心脏. 当阀门变弱或损坏时, 血液可以在静脉中聚集,甚至向后流动. 这会导致静脉扩张. 久坐或久站会导致腿部静脉淤血. 这会增加静脉的压力. 静脉会因压力增加而伸展. 这可能会削弱静脉壁,损害瓣膜.静脉曲张最常见的症状有:

  • 皮肤颜色变化
  • 鼓鼓的蓝色静脉
  • 腿部溃疡(腿部溃疡)
  • Rash
  • 腿痛腿上的感觉,如沉重的感觉、烧灼感或疼痛

随着时间的推移,严重的静脉曲张可能导致长期的轻度肿胀. 这会导致更严重的皮肤和组织问题. 这些包括溃疡和不愈合的疮.


可能需要转介. 详情请致电诊所查询. 


In this video, Dr. 麦家廉回答了以下问题:

0:14 什么是静脉曲张?
0:46 静脉曲张的症状有哪些?
1:19 导致静脉曲张的原因?
2:12 有静脉曲张风险的人?
2:42 如何诊断静脉曲张?
3:01 如何治疗静脉曲张?
4:16 静脉曲张可能的并发症有哪些?
4:47 | Under what circumstances does treatment for varicose veins become medically necessary?
5:15 人们可以做些什么来预防静脉曲张?

  • 射频消融术治疗静脉回流 
  • 静脉曲张切除术 
  • 静脉曲张和蜘蛛静脉的硬化疗法 
  • 静脉支架置入术治疗May-Thurner综合征 
  • 取栓/溶栓治疗深静脉血栓 
  • 血栓形成后综合征的治疗 
  • IVC过滤器的放置和拆卸 

Veins are blood vessels that take blood from your extremities back to your heart. In the leg, healthy veins have valves in them to help blood flow back to your heart against gravity when you are standing. 如果这些阀门不能正常工作, 压力会在静脉中积聚,导致蜘蛛状静脉和静脉曲张, swelling, pain, 甚至是无法愈合的伤口. This condition, 称为静脉回流或静脉功能不全, 最初可以用压缩袜治疗吗. 对于持续或严重症状的患者, 我们提供射频消融(RFA), 静脉切除术(静脉切除), 硬化疗法(注射), 我们会根据每个病人的症状和疾病量身定做吗.

血管里有血块, 称为深静脉血栓, 会导致严重的腿部肿胀和疼痛吗, 哪个是紧急情况. We perform minimally invasive clot removal (thrombectomy and thrombolysis) to restore blood flow. Often, 这是由于其中一条盆腔静脉的潜在狭窄, 被称为梅-瑟纳综合症, 这需要用支架来支撑静脉打开吗. Stenting can also be beneficial for patients who have chronic leg pain and wounds following a prior blood clot in their leg (known as post-thrombotic syndrome).

Finally, some patients require placement of a filter in the inferior vena cava (IVC filter) to prevent blood clots from traveling from their legs to their lungs, 这就是所谓的肺栓塞. 当需要时,我们提供可回收的过滤器放置. However, 许多装有这种过滤器的患者从未将其移除, 哪些会导致长期并发症, 因此,我们也为有过滤器的患者提供下腔静脉过滤器去除服务.

  • 肠系膜和肾动脉疾病 
  • 锁骨下动脉狭窄
  • Amputation
  • 血管双工/超声检查 

For more information, check out these resources from the Society for Vascular Surgery:





血管的诊断 & 我们执行的治疗程序:

影像学检查使用x射线进行, CT or MRI; often with the aid of a contrast material, to view blood vessels in great detail and to evaluate blood flow and determine areas of blockage.

A catheter is threaded up through the groin to the point of narrowing or blockage, and a tiny balloon at the tip of the catheter is inflated to open the narrowed or blocked artery or vein. It is then deflated and removed, restoring adequate blood supply to the chest, abdomen or legs.

我们中间有个沉默的杀手. Known as Triple A, or AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm is the third leading cause of death in men over age 60. 当AAA破裂时,有75-90%的死亡率. AAA是发生在腹主动脉的动脉瘤(充满血液的肿块), an artery located behind the belly near your back that carries blood to the lower part of the body. 你感觉不到它,直到它破裂,你很少有症状. It is estimated that more than a million people are living with an undiagnosed AAA. 通常在背部或腹部疼痛的检查中偶然发现, 十大正规网赌软件血管诊所的外科医生修复了这些致命的凸起.

支架植入术是用来防止动脉瘤破裂的, 腹部(动脉或静脉)膨出的区域, chest or neck. 它也可用于治疗严重的周围血管疾病(PVD)。. Using a catheter as the mode of transport, a thin mesh tube is threaded through the groin. It is placed to serve as permanent reinforcement to hold open the walls of an artery or vein.  支架植入术通常与球囊血管成形术同时进行. 支架可以涂上缓释药物. 这些被称为药物洗脱支架, and help prevent the artery from narrowing or becoming blocked again (restenosis) as tissue grows over the stent. 如今,每年有100万美国人接受支架手术.

Clot-busting drugs or tools are introduced directly into an artery or vein via catheter to dissolve or manually break up a clot.  Thrombolysis is performed as an emergency treatment for stroke to restore blood flow in the brain. 它也可能是一个预定的程序, 如治疗移植物通道阻塞或深静脉血栓.

并非所有患者都适合进行血管内手术. 我们也进行传统的胸部搭桥手术, 腹部和腿部促进血液流动, “detouring” blood from diseased arteries and veins and rerouting the flow through a stronger, healthier bypass section made of Dacron fabric or a healthy vein taken from your own arm or leg.


In this video, Dr. 麦家廉回答了以下问题:

0:13 |什么是深静脉血栓(DVT)?
0:43 深静脉血栓的症状是什么?
1:23 谁有患深静脉血栓的风险?
2:15 如何诊断深静脉血栓形成?
2:32 如何治疗深静脉血栓?
2:57 深静脉血栓可能的并发症有哪些?
3:42 深静脉血栓何时应该寻求治疗?

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